Harnessing Solar Power

Allow us to introduce Ibrahim Masawi Mohammed Hurd, a dedicated individual from the Al-Qanawis Directorate - Wadi Al-Husayniyah, who has been immersed in agriculture since the year 2000. However, the soaring expenses he encountered in fuel and diesel greatly impacted his finances, leading to substantial losses. Determined to find a solution, Ibrahim sought an alternative path by exploring the potential of solar energy to not only recover his funds but also amplify his profits.
With unwavering resolve, Ibrahim conducted thorough research on financing options and discovered Namaa Small and Microfinance Foundation. He promptly applied for funding at the Zaidiya branch in Al Hodaydah, specifically seeking a loan amounting to 3,000,000 Riyals to acquire a solar energy system. After the funds were disbursed and the solar energy system was successfully installed, Ibrahim witnessed a remarkable transformation in his agricultural endeavors.
The benefits of his project became evident as Ibrahim significantly curtailed his expenses previously allotted for diesel, while simultaneously enhancing agricultural production throughout all seasons. The increased production rates had a profound impact on his economic status, leading to a substantial improvement in his income.
By harnessing the power of solar energy, Ibrahim not only achieved financial stability but also contributed to the sustainable development of his community. His success story serves as an inspiration to others, highlighting the immense potential of renewable energy sources in revolutionizing traditional industries.
Let Ibrahim's journey motivate you to explore innovative solutions, as we embrace a greener and more prosperous future