"Volunteer Teachers Training Project funded by Equal Access to Education Grant - 5th March 2024"

Yemen is facing one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, and the ongoing crises have inflicted severe damage on the Yemeni economy, resulting in significant gaps in accessing economic opportunities and a growing unemployment rate. Youth unemployment, in particular, has reached 25.3%, which is twice the national average unemployment rate.

This calls for the concerted efforts of all stakeholders aimed at reducing youth unemployment. By creating job opportunities and encouraging the establishment of small-scale projects,  which are considered the most successful solution to mitigate unemployment and combat poverty, to achieve economic growth.

Social Development Fund, with funding from German government, has been keen on creating temporary job opportunities and opening new horizons for entrepreneurship, particularly in small and micro enterprises. These initiatives have enabled volunteer teachers to establish small projects that improve their income levels, helping them to sustain their educational work and serve their communities.

In this context, in December 2023, Namaa Small and Microfinance Foundation implemented a training program for young individuals working as volunteer teachers. This program was funded by the Equality in Access to Education grant, as part of the German government's support through KFW, under the supervision of the Education Unit in Social Development Fund.

Participants in the program acquired skills and knowledge in the fields of entrepreneurship, small business creation, financial literacy, and life skills. The aim was to equip them and reintegrate them into various fields of work, thereby opening new horizons that enable them to continue their professional lives in accordance with unified concepts of entrepreneurship, project management, and methods of

accessing small and microfinance foundation. This will empower them to improve their livelihoods.

At the end of the training program, participants were able to prepare feasibility studies for their own economic projects, which they will establish upon completion of the training program.

A total of 1018 male and female teachers benefited from the project across 14 governorates.